
Soccer & Citizenship

As an immigration and naturalization attorney and a die-hard soccer fan, I am often in a position of explaining to my fellow fans what qualifies a certain player United States Men’s National Team (“USMNT”). The global popularity of soccer and the relative ease of obtaining a United States passport means that much of the US…
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Bunger and Robertson Attorney Joseph Fuschetto Presenting on DACA on December 5th

Bunger and Robertson Attorney, Joseph Fuschetto, with IU Associate General Counsel, Frank Martinez, will be presenting at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis campus. Their presentation will discuss options for DACA students in the current immigration environment. DACA which stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowed certain foreign individuals who arrived in the United States…
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Not Done Yet—Legal Steps to Take After Your Divorce is Final

You just received the Decree of Dissolution, which is the final order dissolving your marriage to your spouse, approving the settlement agreement (if one was offered), dividing the marital estate and imposing child support (where appropriate). You think, for good or for ill, you’re done. No more lawyers. Finally! Unfortunately, you are not done yet….
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Bunger & Robertson Adds Collaborative Law Expertise

Recently, Bunger & Robertson attorney Jessica L. Merkel completed her interdisciplinary collaborative practice training and joined the Bloomington Association of Collaborative Professionals, Inc. (BACP). The BACP is a professional organization comprised of attorneys as well as mental health professionals and financial professionals in the Bloomington, Indiana area who work together in utilizing a “collaborative” approach…
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Annexation and Me

So the City of Bloomington plans to annex your property. What does that mean for you? By now you have probably heard about Bloomington’s plans to annex certain areas and incorporate them into the City. If you own property in one of these areas, you may also be somewhat confused as to what it will…
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Six Attorneys Named to 2017 Super Lawyers List

The annual Super Lawyers list of top attorneys in the state of Indiana includes six Bunger & Robertson attorneys for 2017. Attorneys William J. Beggs, Samuel R. Ardery, Brian R. Drummy, Jessica L. Merkel, James L. Whitlatch, and Joseph D. O’Connor were all named Super Lawyers through the selection process which involves nominations, independent research,…
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New Overtime Rules – Halted for Now

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks New Overtime Rules With just over a week to go before employers across the country implemented changes to comply with the Department of Labor’s Overtime Final Rule, a federal court in Texas has halted the implementation of the Rule. In May 2016, the Department of Labor announced its Final Rule increasing…
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The New State of Immigration

Since the election results, I have received numerous e-mails, phone calls, and instant messages from concerned current and former clients. Unfortunately, many of the questions as to possible changes in immigration laws and policies cannot be answered at this time. Simply put, the laws and policies of the new administration and Congress have yet to…
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New Overtime Rules — Be in the Know

In May 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced its Overtime Final Rule updating the “White Collar Exemptions” to overtime payment regulations as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  The DOL estimates that these updates will extend overtime and protections to more than 80,000 Hoosiers and more than 4.2 million Americans.  This will…
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Welcome To Bloomington – Bicycle Safety

  A few weeks ago, I wrote about pedestrian safety in Bloomington.  This week, I would like to focus on bicycle safety.  I was fortunate enough to be involved in the Little 500 for several years.  I was a rider in college and have served in various coaching capacities for the past 10 years.  As a…
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